PAYMENTS: Payment is due at time of service. Should you need an estimate prior to receiving services, we will always be glad to provide one to you at your request. We accept cash, all major credit cards, Care Credit, and Scratch Pay. We do not accept checks.
APPOINTMENTS: Please arrive 10 minutes ahead of your scheduled appointment to complete the check in process which will help ensure you receive the appropriate attention during your allotted appointment time. Out of respect for your veterinarian’s time, as well as the needs of our other patients, your promptness is important. Please let us know in advance if you are unable to make your appointment or running late. Late appointments may be rescheduled at the discretion of the Veterinarian. Multiple no-shows and/or untimely cancellations may result in a $79 per pet pre-payment requirement for future scheduling.
We understand that your time is valuable. We make every effort to remain on schedule. Please be mindful that the unpredictability of our patients’ needs will sometimes cause delays of which we will make every effort to keep you notified. We appreciate your patience and understanding when these situations arise. We will give you the same care and consideration during your visit. If you have a tight schedule, please let the front desk know immediately and we will try our best to be accommodating or explore additional options.
REGISTER: Pre-register below and one of our client assistants will not only create your client/patient record, but will give you a call to set you up with an appointment if needed. You also will receive a $10 discount for applying online!